BobParty’s Company Profiles: MK1 yoyos

@rkalajian She’s genuinely, like the nicest person


I’m loving this series! Great interviews. It’s especially interesting for me to come back to yoyoing after so many years and see how much the commmunity has grown. Or at least, how much more easily everyone is able to communicate thanks to apps like discord, instagram, zoom, etc.


@FromPlanToProgress Thank you!! I’m glad you like it!

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This was one of my most favorite ones yet! Michelle is a major community pillar and I’ve truly never seen someone more supportive of their kid’s hobbies than her. When I have kids, and they have hobbies, I really do wanna try and be like her. Such an inspiring role model who I’ve been blessed to know for the past few years!


Aww!! Love you Spence!! :heart: :smiling_face_with_tear:


Excited for another profile with @YoYoExpertEric!!

Really great profile taking it back to some awesome memories from the 90’s and Yomega.

Hope you enjoy - as always if you have any feedback please let me know!

What got you into throwing, how did you find the hobby?

It all started during recess in elementary school when I saw some kids playing with yo-yos. I asked where they got them, and they pointed me to the most amazing toy store ever—A2Z Science and Learning Store! After that, the rest is history :crazy_face::rofl:

What is your goal in the next year for yourself personal or professional?

A goal every year for me but keep failing is to learn more 2A Tricks!!

What’s it like to work at Yo-yo Expert?

It’s a dream come true! I’m incredibly lucky to work with an amazing team who are more than just co-workers—they’re my closest friends and family. Plus, it’s a total win-win for me, since yo-yos have always been a huge part of my life. Getting to work for a company that revolves around them is just perfect!

If you could only have one yo-yo for the rest of your life what would it be?

Either between the SnapBack, Uppercut, or KO!

What trick are you working on currently?


What’s the trick that gives you the hardest time?


What’s your favorite trick of all time?

Not Neckstole! Also Elevator, Rancid Milk, Uppercut Bind, and Figure 8, Repeaters and any picture trick!

What’s your favorite yo-yo of all time?

Wayyyy too tough to answer. But will narrow it to the:

Hitman, K-OS, New Breed, Night Moves 2, 888, Superstar, Genesis, SuperNova, ProtoStar, Avant Garde 2, Grind Machine 2, Shutter Wide Angle, TOO HOT, Ricochet, Uppercut, KO, MarkMont Classic, Cabal 2, Puffin 2, Glacier Express, Garhwal 2, Yeti Turning Point 2, Mowl M, Tankette, Freehand 1 (New and Original) and anything Delrin or Organic Shaped LOLOL!

What’s the most meaningful throw you have?

This is also another tough question, because most of my yo-yos that I have I can almost tell you an entire story how I ended up with it/when I got it. They are all pretty meaningful to me, which is why I rarely ever let go any of them.

What’s your worst habit with yo-yos?

When getting a knot, switching to a new yo-yo so that I don’t deal with taking it out LOL!

What’s kind of things are you into outside of yo-yos?

Not much, but I dabble in playing the keyboard

What fictional character best fits who you are?

When I was in school, I liked to think/tried I was living a double life like a superhero LOL as a yo-yoer and non-yoyoer and keeping it separate. However that got hard and I started to embrace being the yo-yo boy LOL!

Favorite restaurant and order?

I don’t usually go out, except buying Iced Coffees at McDonalds LOL - But I do enjoy the SuperMelts (Honey BBQ) from Friendlys with a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Sundae to finish it off! MHMMMHMMMMM

Favorite movie and or book?

I wasn’t much of a book person growing up, and I can’t even remember the last time I went to the movies. But I did enjoy a lot of cartoons and TV shows like Power Rangers, Pokémon, and Yu-Gi-Oh. These days, I’m into Ted Lasso, Star Wars, The Office, anything with Adam Sandler, and pretty much anything Marvel.

Favorite song?

Another tough question, but I am a fan of Eiffel 65, Smash Mouth, Blink 182, Yellow Card, My Chemical Romance, Elton John, Billy Joel, and anything electronica/techno/trance.

If you could wake up tomorrow and magically has the skills from one player who and what would it be?

-Alex Lozynaik/Jason Lee/Charles Haycock/Tyler Vienneau for style/swagger/smoothness

-Mir Kim/Jensen Kimmitt/Yuuki Spencer for their competition abilities and John Ando for like everything LOLOL

What’s your favorite memory from your time in the hobby ?

Again a very tough question, but I would have to say getting a phone call from the President of Yomega when I was like 12 asking me to join their Presidents Invitational Team!

How has the community changed since you started? Where do you want it to go?

It has changed a lot since I have started! LOL

Let’s just say I now enjoy watching yo-yo videos online a lot more than dealing with dial-up or asking a friend to download and burn a CD with the “latest tricks”—which usually meant they were already a year old! LOLOL

But seriously, I’ve been lucky enough to witness the yo-yo world evolve over the years. Starting with responsive yo-yos in the '90s, it’s been a wild ride to see how both the technology and tricks have transformed. Being a part of that change, both as a spectator and participant, has been an incredible experience!

Yo-yoing is definitely moving in the right direction, especially with how easy it is to share tricks and connect on social media. I’d love to see the community keep growing because it would make a huge difference in things like sponsorships and events. With the Olympics just wrapping up, people keep asking why yo-yos aren’t included, and the simple truth is the sport just isn’t big enough… yet.

If you never picked up a yo-yo - what would life look like now?

I would be really really good at HALO and Poker, and also possibly a Professional Ping-Ponger

Advice/ words of wisdom to new players?

It might sound cliché, but it’s all about having fun. It’s easy to get burned out, especially with competition yo-yoing, which is awesome in its own right, but it’s important to find balance and remember there’s so much more to the hobby than just competing. Most of my closest friends I met through this shared passion, and now that I’m older, it’s really about catching up with them and meeting new people who share the same love for yo-yoing!

Whats you want to tell the world?

Purchase an Uppercut or KO! - Best Yo-Yos in the world!!!


this is what I’ve been wanting :grin:


It is a true honor to be part of the Party of Bob! Everyone’s Profile has been amazing and fun to read! :slight_smile: <3


Yessss ericccc

Hahahaa sooooo true, I do that all the time!!
Just then I have to spend half an hour picking knots out of like 30 yo-yos

So true! I don’t have a KO, but my uppercut is one of my favorite throws!!


Morning all! I am proud to present today our very own @SR1 Spence!

One of the best contributors to the forum, with an amazing profile below. Hope you enjoy!!

What got you into throwing, how did you find the hobby?

Someone should almost do a survey amongst yoyoers and see how many of us started because of a “school yoyo boom.” I’d actually love to see the numbers on that, because it was the catalyst for SO many throwers I know, including myself. I’m excited to keep reading these interviews just to see everyone’s answer to this question. Anyway, in 6th grade, one of my friends brought a YoYoFactory Velocity to school, and everyone thought it was absolutely NUTS how long a yoyo could spin. It totally shattered everyone’s idea of what they thought a yoyo was. Before you know it, multiple people had yoyos, and because none of us were very good/really knew any tricks, we had competitions amongst ourselves to see who could throw the longest sleeper. I started with a red Butterfly and Imperial (so yeah, I wasn’t doing so hot in the sleeper competitions :sweat_smile:), and eventually begged my parents to get me a Dark Magic, which was my first “real” yoyo. Around that time, I found YoYoExpert and the forums, joined in May 2009 and became pretty instantly hooked on pretty much every aspect of the hobby. It’s absolutely wild to think that (as of this interview) I’ve been on the forums for 15 years of the 27 I’ve been alive lol - that’s over half of my life! I was super off and on with throwing during high school and college and got back into it during COVID, like so many others did too. I’ve been back into it pretty deep since 2020, with no plans of stopping anytime soon!

If you could only have one yo-yo for the rest of your life what would it be?

Well, Bobparty said I couldn’t say Klondike :skull: But it’s definitely the Klondike, sorry :kissing_closed_eyes:

It’s been my favorite yoyo by quite a bit for well over a year now, and no other yoyo I’ve used or owned has had anything even remotely close to that kind of staying power.

What trick are you working on currently and what is your all time favorite trick?

Recently I’ve been going back to learn & really refine some tricks that I feel like I’ve neglected/for one reason or another just straight up never learned. Reverse Brent stole and Beefhook were two of these types of tricks - and they’re definitely not hard or anything, but I just wasn’t wasn’t able to hit them consistently for whatever reason. But now I’m happy to report that I’m hitting both of them super consistently after taking the time to really grind them out (and some help from friends). All time favorite trick is wayyy too hard of a question, cause it seems like Hunter and Justin are always posting the craziest trick you’ve ever seen a few times a week on Instagram. I will say though that the one yoyo video that I always go back to is “I Punched Boxthor in the Catch 22” by Guy Wright - that video has my favorite tricks ever and I grew up watching it over and over. One of my biggest goals in yoyoing is one day learning that entire video so I can do a side by side remake of it. I’ll definitely never podium or win a contest, but I feel like learning that entire video that is a realistically achievable goal for me even though it will DEFINITELY take some work.

What’s the most meaningful yoyo you have in your collection?

Unfortunately when you have well over 200 yoyos in your collection it’s a nearly impossible task to pick just one! I do have a few… (1) My first “nice/boutique” yoyo, a General Yo Hatrick I purchased directly from Ernie at the 2009 National YoYo Contest. My best friend and I both purchased one at the same time, and I have such awesome memories at that contest. I had just started yoyoing that year and it was incredible heading up Chico with my family and friends and being at the contest - every time I see that yoyo I think about those memories and get super nostalgic. (2) The YYF Butter my now fiancée got me as a gift on our second anniversary. I had JUST gotten back into yoyoing during COVID after not really yoyoing a bunch in the latter part of high school and throughout college, and that’s definitely the yoyo that ignited the love for it all over again. I was so impressed how good yoyos had gotten after not trying any new ones for a few years, and I’m pretty sure it was also the first bimetal I’ve ever tried. (3) A completely mint and flawless 28 Stories CLYW Peak I am beyond lucky to own. I’ve dreamed of owning this exact yoyo since I was a kid, it was and still is an absolute grail for me. And this particular one has a great story! This exact one was hand picked by Chris Mikulin (owner of CLYW) and gifted to Ben Baker (RIP), well known Peak curator and author of the incredible and important “Complete History of the CLYW Peak” thread on YoYoNation, as a prime example of a 28s Peak. And I absolutely believe it - this thing is absolutely stunning and is probably the best example of 28 Stories I’ve ever seen.

What’s kind of things are you into outside of yo-yos?

Despite my deep obsession with yoyoing, it actually isn’t even my main hobby! I’ve been playing drums since I was 3 years old, teaching drums professionally since I was 15, went to school to study jazz drums and graduated with a degree in music from UCI in 2020 - so you could definitely say music and playing the drums is my “main thing.” I’m in a jazz fusion band with some cats I went to college with, and right now we’re working on recording our debut album which will hopefully be out in early 2025. I’m also super into audio engineering (recording and mixing music) and producing, and have been doing that since I was in high school. I also enjoy film photography, GREAT food, cocktails and spending time with my fiancee and cat. Being an adult can be kind of a bummer sometimes though because I may or may not have a whole lot of time for any of my hobbies depending on how busy I am with work. I’ve been a Realtor for the past few years and sometimes it’s slow but sometimes I’m going hard nonstop and pulling 10+ hour days, which doesn’t leave a lot of room for music or yoyoing.

What’s your favorite restaurants and order?

This is kinda sad because I definitely do like going to nice restaurants and ordering nice things and all… but to me NOTHING compares to or hits like a great double bacon cheeseburger or my favorite pizza (I switch back and forth between Hawaiian and Supreme). I have two favorite burger places (besides In-N-Out obviously) - NexxBurger in Orange, CA and Golden Bull in Bakersfield, CA. I feel like my favorite pizza place changes every few years, but in this moment in time, it’s Sgt. Pepperoni’s. If you’re ever in Orange County, CA and want pizza, just go there and thank me later. I’m also a sucker for Korean BBQ, good street tacos, and anything my fiancée makes, since her main hobby is cooking.

Favorite movie or TV show?

My favorite movies are Synecdoche New York and Interstellar, but they absolutely WRECK me and I think about them for way too long afterwards, so I try not to watch them too often lol… all my favorite movies are on my Letterboxd, let’s definitely follow each other if you’re a yoyoer with good taste in film!

In terms of TV shows, my favorite dramas in no particular order are The Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Mad Men, and LOST. My favorite comedies are Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld and literally anything Nathan Fielder is involved in.

What’s a character that you feel best represents who you are “in real life”?

Larry David on Curb is actually my entire personality

If there was one song that you say fits your mood and personality perfectly, what it be?

Oh man… as a musician this is by far the hardest question of the bunch for me. It totally depends on what mood I’m in, but I think overall “All I Need” by Jacob Collier, one of my all time favorite artists, would be a good pick. I think it’s a very feel good, happy, bouncy track that leaves me smiling every time I hear it. It’s the same type of energy I try and bring to every interaction and just the musical equivalent of the mood I try to be in every day. “Beat the Same” by Joey Dosik and “Because I’m Me” by The Avalanches also deserve an honorable mention, but I gotta stop now otherwise this is gonna get so long Bobparty is gonna regret asking this question.

What’s your best yo-yo memory?

There’s definitely a few and they all mostly revolve around contests: my first contest (BLC 2009), 2009 Nats and 2024 Worlds stick out as being the most special to me for different reasons. Since we’re just coming off of 2024 Worlds, I definitely have some recency bias towards that, so it’s hard not to lean towards that being the overall best. But man, it was BEYOND cool finally meeting people I’ve known for years online, watching Stargazing Night in person, seeing both heroes and friends compete on the biggest stage in the hobby, trying an insane amount of yoyos, and in general just be at my first World YoYo Contest (and my fiancee was along too, which was nice!). But also just being apart of DXL (probably the biggest yoyo club in the US) has allowed me to make some fantastic yoyo related memories every single month.

What’s your yoyo bad habit?

Just like National Champion Justin Dauer, I too put the string at the base of my finger - but hearing that he did too made me feel a hell of a lot better about doing it. But the real bad habit used to be EXCESSIVELY buying yoyos - there was a period for a couple years, like 2021-2022, where I was pretty much buying literally ANY new release. Glad I don’t do that anymore lol

If you could wake up tomorrow and have any skill set from another player what would it be?

Guy Wright for sure - IMO to this day there isn’t a yoyoer who comes close to matching the amount of flow he has. He isn’t a tech yoyoer, the tricks aren’t overly complex, but his trick set has been so obviously refined and just LOOKS good. Him and Jensen Kimmitt were HUGE influences for me growing up, and it’s kinda weird because all the younger throwers I talk to consider those tricks “old school” now. But hey man, still miles ahead of what I can do today. And also like… I definitely wouldn’t complain if I woke up and threw like Mir or Hajime :joy:

What’s the most expensive or rare yoyo you have?

Off the top of my head, the previously mentioned 28 Stories CLYW Peak and a One Drop Citizen are probably my only quadruple digit yoyos. Other than that, over the years I’ve been blessed to have acquired some pretty rare early CLYW stuff. And because General Yo was the first boutique brand I got into as a kid, I have some pretty insane stuff from them as well, like a couple OG Torrents and a USA Edition Hatrick. Besides that, a few rare prototypes, including the clear Klondike prototype Steve Brown graciously sold me, which has been my daily driver yoyo since I got it last year.

If you never found yo-yo what would you be doing instead?

I’d naturally just pour more time into my other hobbies (music/drums/recording/music production in case you skimmed and missed the hobby question) and trying to be the best I can possibly be at those. I’d probably try and pick up another instrument like bass or keys, since lugging those around to gigs is a hell of a lot easier than drums.

How has the community changed from what it used to be, and where do you think it will end up?

If you’ve been around for awhile, and go to any meetup or contest nowadays you’ll definitely notice younger throwers are getting REALLY good REALLY fast - it’s actually kind of scary. I think a lot of this probably has to do with there being way, way more resources and content available online/on social media in terms of trick tutorials, compared to what was out there when I was a kid. We used to have to learn our tricks from Andre on YouTube in 240p because there simply wasn’t a whole lot else out there besides that. Now there’s like 10 different YouTube channels you can go to that will explain a trick in multiple different ways, using multiple different camera angles, in slo-mo and it’s all filmed in 4k. And another major change I’ve seen is the rise of social media and the effect it’s had on throwers. It seems like it has made it so where these kids feel like “If I can’t neck stole it’s over for me,” so there’s this kind of peer pressure that just really wasn’t there before. But I gotta say… it is both extremely impressive and incredibly humbling to watch some 8 year old who has been throwing for maybe a year absolutely blow away anything you’ve ever done with a yoyo. And I guess another thing I don’t think I’ve seen mentioned yet is that you used to see a lot more focus on collecting, even at contests. So many people would lug massive cases full of yoyos to contests to show off/let others try/trade and you just don’t see a whole lot of that anymore. When contests started getting more and more competitive, there was a big shift from the yoyos themselves to the tricks, which I think is a really good thing, because the better you get, the more you realize that yoyos are certainly cool, but the tricks are cooler.

Advice/ words of wisdom to new players?

Buy less yoyos, learn more tricks. Trust me.

Also if you’re a younger new player, and you were like me, you might care a lot about what people think of you, or that they’ll judge you for putting time into or having an unconventional hobby. I promise you, caring about what other people think of you is something that fades away the older you become, so you might as well stop caring now. I wish I put less emphasis on what other people thought of me and more emphasis on having fun because that’s what I wanted to do.

What you want to tell the world?

That I’m probably just as surprised that BobParty asked me to do one of these interviews as you (the reader) are. :joy: I genuinely feel so honored to be included amongst some of my good friends and long time personal heroes. In comparison to other hobbies, (modern) yoyoing is still relatively young, so these interviews are an incredible way to capture and preserve the history of the hobby from the perspective of those who were around near its relative beginnings. I can’t wait to keep reading all of these myself and soak up as much as I can from them, and maybe someone will get something out of something I’ve said, whether it’s now or 25 years from now. But anyway, I’ve met so many truly amazing people in this hobby and we have such an awesome community that I’m so proud to be apart of and spread the love for. If you ever see me at a meetup or contest, definitely please come say hello because meeting the awesome people of this community is my favorite thing!


Ayyyeee thank you so much for having me! :heart_hands: Such an honor to be included amongst some of my favorite people! :raised_hands:


Fire reads! Keep um coming!


I love this thread!


A total KING, such a pleasure to read you and I had no idea you was around the yoyo world from sooooo long, this is why you always reliable when you talk about yoyos in general. You are one of my favourites ever here mate, love you and amazing interview it was a pleasure to read it :hearts:


Every bit of that right back at you king :heart_hands:


“Proof or it didn’t happen”

-The Legend

“I love Klondike’s”



Morning all - today I am very excited to have @DocPop with us today!! Enjoy!!

What got you into throwing, how did you find the hobby?

On my 21st birthday, I took a trip from my home town (near Nashville) to Olympia, WA. My trip was planned around a meeting with a record label in Olympia, but I stopped by the Space Needle while I was in Seattle and picked up a souvenir yo-yo from their gift shop. It was a wooden yo-yo with green paint and a logo of the Space Needle. When I flew back to Nashville a week later, I bumped into a guy that was opening a yo-yo store in a nearby mall. I’d only had a yo-yo for a week, but he offered me a job as a salesman at his kiosk. This was in 1999, a few months before a big yo-yo boom swept the country. I basically got paid to learn how to yo-yo, it was great!

How did you come about creating your own yo-yo’s?

I had a chance to work with YoYoJam for a bit and released a few yo-yos (The Bolt, The Super Scientist, etc) with them. It was awesome, but I always wanted to have more control of the designs I made. Back then, manufacturing seemed impossible hard and expensive, so I never tried it out, even though I wanted to. Years later, I chatted with the folks at One Drop in Oregon about making a mini-yo-yo called the Executive and I’ve been hooked on designing yo-yos ever since. It’s gotten so much easier to work with a factory than it used to be, which is rad. I ain’t making a huge profit on my yo-yo business, but it does enable me to make a few yo-yos that I’m really proud of. My goal is to make yo-yos that I like, so running a yo-yo company is really just a way to make that happen. If I break even, I’m happy.

If you could only have one yo-yo for the rest of your life what would it be?

At the moment, that would be the DIY. That’s why I call it the Desert Island Yo-Yo, if I got stuck with that one yo-yo for the rest of my life, I’d be okay.

What trick are you working on currently and what is your all time favorite trick?

I’m working on DNAs and binds. I’d love to nail DNAs more consistently and have a wider array of tricks to do with them. As far as binds, I wish I had flashier binds that I could hit more consistently. It’s a bit of a bummer when you land an amazing trick on film, then end it with a lame bind… but it’s also a bummer when you nail the trick but miss the flashy bind. I’d love to confidently end a trick with a bind that’s just as cool as the trick was. As far as favorite tricks, I’m a sucker for gyroscopic flops and I love seeing people’s variations on a flop.

What’s the most meaningful yoyo you have in your collection?

I’m a sucker for weird yo-yos, like copper plated yo-yos or yo-yos manufactured with holes in them, so that’s what I geek out the most on. But the most meaningful yo-yo in my collection is my MarkMont Classic. That yo-yo was the inspiration for the Icarus and the DIY. My MarkMont Classic is also silver plated, which was part of a rare run, and it looks as cool as it plays. I cherish that yo-yo.

What’s kind of things are you into outside of yo-yos?

I like making comics and music when I’m not yo-yoing. I have a few albums on Bandcamp and I’ve self published a dozen comics. I even made a comic about yo-yos. I’m also really excited about some internet technology. I don’t care about NFTs or AI, but I really geek out on stuff that makes the web more open. Things like WordPress and ActivityPub, I love that stuff.

What’s your favorite restaurants and order?

I love southern comfort food (catfish, ribs, cornbread, etc) and I love chinese food. Mission Chinese and United Dumpling are two of my favorite local restaurants. They both specialize in that tingly sezchuan spice that I love so much. Tingly Noodle Lamb is my favorite thing to order at a sezchuan style restaurant.

Favorite movie or TV show?

Mystery Men is probably my favorite movie of all time. The Good Place might be my favorite TV show.

If there was one song that you say fits your mood and personality perfectly, what it be?

I dunno… “Creep” by Radiohead?

What’s your best yo-yo memory?

I really liked the early days of trick circles at yo-yo events with Mark Montgomery. These were inspired by hip hop culture where folks would form in a circle and people would take turns freestyle rapping. In the trick circles, we’d encourage folks to step in the center and do some entertaining tricks. It wasn’t a battle, and you didn’t have to be as good as the person ahead of you was, it was about sharing positivity with folks and encouraging players to focus on good-looking tricks, rather than pure technicality. An easy trick can still look great if done with style. Those circles (from US Nats circa 2004) eventually turned into the trick battles that take place late night at the World Yo-Yo Contest. Again focusing on forming a circle and doing tricks that emphasize personal style and keeping the crowd entertained.

What’s your yoyo bad habit?

I’m bad at yo-yo maintenance. When a bearing goes bad, I throw it away. I admire the folks who remove the bearing shields and maintain their bearings, but I never could get the hang of it.

As an artist, how do you feel throwing allows you to express yourself?

I’ve always been able to find a way to express myself with whatever I’m doing. Whether it’s making music, making comics, writing scripts, or yo-yoing. So I don’t think of yo-yoing as any different than a paint brush or a musical instrument. The only big difference is how much easier it is to carry around a yo-yo all the time.

If you never found yo-yo what would you be doing instead?

Making music probably. That was my goal in the first place and what lead me to yo-yoing. I always joked that if a guitar was as easy to carry around as a yo-yo is, everything in my life would be different.

Advice/ words of wisdom to new players?

No matter how late you got into the yo-yo game, there’s always room for innovation. It may feel like all the cool tricks have been discovered, but there’s always more waiting to be found.

What you want to tell the world?

Have fun.


GREAT ONE! @DocPop is my fav player :slight_smile:


As a Nashville native, comic fan, catfish and cornbread lover, I wish I’d have known all this long ago!


yea its just a shame yall cant do bbq as well as we do here in SC but hey no ones perfect… thats right, i said it :crazy_face: