BobParty’s Company Profiles: MK1 yoyos

Today we have up Katie Thompson!

Katie has some of the coolest videos on Instagram which I’m probably responsible for like half the views haha!

Hope you enjoy!!

What got you into throwing? How did you find the hobby?

I first saw yoyo tricks in 2013! I was in 8th grade and 14 years old! I was a very shy and introverted kid, and was in desperate need of something to grow my confidence. A group of yoyoers called The N.E.D. Show, came to my middle school to put on a show for us! NED stood for Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best! A slogan I live by! They performed tricks like, Rock and baby, Eiffel Tower, Walk the Dog and Shoot the Moon, while also explaining the importance of hard work through yoyo! They also sold yoyos to the students afterwards, which I purchased immediately! I remember being really fascinated by the tricks I saw! It made me want to learn more about it. So I purchased an instructional trick DVD from them as well, and the rest is history!

Yoyo Goals for 2025?

I would like to work on consistency when I make freestyles! Limiting mistakes on stage!

I also want to continue to participate in online contests. As it helps me display freestyles I’ve been working hard on!

I would also like to continue to develop my trick set and make combos people like!

I also aim to make the podium in the Women’s division at Worlds!

If you only had one yoyo to use for the rest of your life, what would it be?

The yoyo I use most often is the YYF Mega Monster! My current competition yoyo!

What trick are you currently working on?

I wouldn’t say a particular trick, but I will often look at a player’s freestyle and pinpoint certain elements I want to learn. I’ll try them and it usually leads to inspiration for new tricks. This is my process for creating new combos.

What trick gave you the hardest time to learn?

Back in 2013 I remember that it took me 10 days to learn the trick “Spirit Bomb.” Ten days meaning, “that was the only trick I did over the course of ten days…… Nothing else!” Haha! Never had that experience with any other trick! It was so hard at the time!

Favorite Yoyo?

As mentioned above, My current competition yoyo is the Mega monster, however, I did grow up loving the Shutter line. So those yoyos definitely give me nostalgia!

What is the most meaningful yoyo you have?

Probably my first ever metal/unresponsive yoyo: The Yomega Maverick! I think of this yoyo as “the one that started it all.”

What is your worst habit with yoyo?

People have told me that I go through strings too quickly. I get strings by packs of 100 and I go through them in about 2 months! I will also change my string after about 2 hours of play! I’ve heard that players will go longer on the same string but I personally like the feeling of a new string too much to continue on the same string for multiple hours.

What are you into besides yoyo?

Does teaching count?? I love teaching the next generation how to yoyo and seeing growth in the players I teach! It’s important to encourage kids and tell them they can achieve things if they practice! I love working with kids in general really!

If you could be described as a fictional character, who would it be?

Maybe Sonic the Hedgehog! I am always on the go! I love keeping myself busy and productive! I like to fidget and do things with my hands! I also love to yoyo fast and practice for long periods of time! And when I’m not yoyoing, my mind is always racing, just like Sonic!

Favorite food place and menu item?

Chipotle- Steak burrito

Favorite movie?

The Harry Potter Franchise

What does yoyoing mean to you?

Yoyo has also been a great stress reliever for me. If I have a bad day, I can always look forward to enjoying some yoyo practice.

Yoyo is also a great creative outlet. I love coming up with new things and making myself stand out as a player.

I also love choreography and the freestyle making process. It allows me to express myself and convey emotions to an audience! Being able to hit music cues and make something I’m proud of is very meaningful to me.

I love seeing myself grow in skill! Every time I learn a hard trick, I was able to push through failure. I love tracking my progress and knowing I’m getting better!

Favorite memory from yoyo?

Probably winning Women’s nationals 2023! It was my first contest ever! I met so many people I always dreamt of meeting! Very emotional time for me!

How has the yoyo community changed since you started? Where do you want it to go?

I feel like I can’t answer the first question. I literally just started competing last summer. But it would be cool if the community can grow! Yoyo is a unique hobby so there are not many yoyoers in the world. I want everyone to know what yoyoing is! It’s not a child’s toy anymore. LOL!

If you never picked up a yoyo, how would your life be different?

Dang, I don’t even want to think about it! Haha! It’s been a part of my life for so long! Its hard to even try to fathom it, but i’ll force myself to try!

I would probably be doing something with sports. I played softball all throughout highschool and college so I love being active! I might have ended up being a softball coach or something. Either that or became a fitness nut because I love to work out and be healthy.

Words of wisdom for new players?

Enjoy the journey: It takes a long time to climb the ranks of yoyo. While you are learning it’s important to have fun and not stress too much about how quickly you get better, or how hard your tricks are. If you enjoy the sport, the rest will take care of itself!

Don’t take it too seriously: Yes, it’s important to do your best and work hard for goals, but don’t let it be the most important thing. You have to enjoy life too! Take yoyo and make it a part of who you are, but don’t let it become ALL of who you are. Spend time with family and friends because relationships and memories last forever!

What do you want to tell the world?

Yoyoing has been quite the journey! It has given me confidence when I had very little of it as a little kid. It has given me great friendships and it’s taking me to places I never thought I would go. Seeing myself grow in yoyo has taught me that you can do anything if you want it badly enough. As the 2024 yoyo season is closing, I plan to put my best foot forward to what’s to come! I will begin 2025 with more determination than ever! I plan to continue to grow and show the world how cool yoyoing is!

Thank you so much for reading this far! I appreciate you! Now go throw!:slight_smile: