Are yo-yo video reviews useful?

im not married but i certainly went back to my parent’s house and scratched it on the kitchen floor LOLOL


That would’ve been the first… ting I did when I got it!!


He really shouldn’t have done this.

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I mean don’t they do the reviews for the sake or hope of getting free throws? I mean or that is the hope? Don’t want to say that’s the main goal and what not but really like lorenvo’s Review and mike definitive throw reviews but for the most point it’s really in the eye of the beholder other than buying a fools gold yeti for five bucks I haven’t been driven to purchase due to a yo-yo review but find entertainment in watching them occasionally…like that I feel like Tokyoyo t in the broke aspect enjoy how throws and brews Tom seems very much fan boy of all things yoyo and love Dylan’s Mohawk…for entertainment sake even like Abby for her what seems to be fluster behind the camera…it’s kind of like a this week in yoyo report or something…lol

Like seeing what the yoyo can handle granted I couldn’t keep up with lorenzyo if I tried hope at some point that kid gets so medals and wins some competitions as he gets older…what happened to him anyway hasn’t posted anything in a minute seems like since his topyo sponsorship he disappeared?

Pardon any and all typis

The reviews and reviewers mentioned are embassidors; they encourage enthusiasm and interest in yoyo’s. Good on them. And I hope they continue to do so despite lacking the skills that you demand.

And for those that dislike the current reviews: Make your own. Make the content you would like to see.


I find some reviews useful some of the time. I feel like often times they’re just saying the same things about the yoyo over and over to fill a 10 minute video to maximize adsense revenue. However, I often like the first few minutes as you might see it held up next to other yoyos or compared to ones that play similar. I’m not someone that can tell how a yoyo will play based on specs (especially when there are yoyos I’ve come across that don’t play anything like their specs. The Retic Burm being a perfect example.), so it’s nice to get a quick overview of how it plays.


I don’t really like reviews. They are all so similar, and for me, I’m not really interested.

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For a point of context, most if not all of the youtube reviewers make little to nothing off Ads. I think Dylan with 100k subs said he only made 450ish a month.


I know that none of these guys are making much from it, hence the reasoning to try and maximize the amount you can get. I get why they do it, I just usually don’t watch the review all the way through.

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Speaking of reviews, I did my first review ever, it’s on the YoYoRecreation Anomaly. I thought you guys might want to check it out

And that’s considering yoyo is just one of the things Dylan does on his channel. If he only did yoyo stuff, he wouldn’t have nearly as much subs or income.


If I had the funds to regularly buy the new hotness and good recording equipment I most certainly would.

I do not because I know they wouldn’t be good because I lack the funds and equipment


Fortunately criticizing others is much cheaper.


Dylan K. is a surprising role model for the kids.
(Except for blowing stuff up, and participating in high risk sports)
I like the fact he reviewed what many kids could afford, and was honest about his sponsorships.

Topyo and MYY make some fantastic affordable metal yo-yos.


I agreed with Tom’s assessment of the Colossus IV but did not agree with his assessment of the Cadence. As a rule, Tom likes wider yoyos more than I do, and so he and I aren’t likely to agree on a lot of today’s newer throws.

But that’s fine with me. I’ve come to realize that his play style, level of skill, and personal preferences cause him to like most yoyos that cross his desk, whereas that is most definitely not the case for me. Understanding that fundamental difference between us makes it possible for me to enjoy his videos purely for entertainment purposes, and not for the purpose of guiding me towards new throws.


Well, they did release the Cadence ES which has more rim weight = power, so you weren’t alone in that feeling.

Seems like most people who enjoy review videos are saying they like them solely for the entertainment value. That kind of answers the question right there doesn’t it? The reviews aren’t useful.

I personally have never enjoyed review videos. I firmly believe you need to reach a certain level of skill before you start dishing out advice to others. And when I watch most of the reviewers throw I can quickly tell they don’t know what they’re talking about.


This is my thought on most anything on YouTube involving any sort of product, except that in many other industries it’s large amounts of money.

When someone puts themselves in the public sphere they are opening themselves to criticism. Words are just words, they don’t affect anyone unless people choose to be affected by them

Yasssss. I am really upset Off-Road has slowed down, but life comes first. I think every reviewer should be required to perform a hot-ham-and-cheese-kweej at least once per 5 videos.