Thanksgiving day Sale! $43 Plastic, Mono, and Bimetal Bundles. LF OD Panorama & Czech point pivot

LF: Boosted Wyvern, Czech Point Pivot Delrin caps

Each row is a bundle and contains a plastic, a mono metal, and a bimetal yoyo.

$50 per row. That includes shipping and g&s

Row 1: YYFr Dove - bgrade, YYF Kedge - mint, Topyo Colossus S - a couple dongs
SOLD - Row 2: OD Rally - Not cracked pretty beat, YYF Godspeed - mint, Goodlofe Breeze - bgrade
Row 3: YYF Protostar - mint, YYF Edge Ultimatum - mint, YYF Marco - some dings.

Take everything in the second pic for $60


Hey! I might be interested in the second pic bundle, I’m gonna DM for more info!



Will trade in your favor for a Czech point pivot with delrin caps.

Also looking for Boosted Wyvern

1 Like

How much for the ledge

How much for the kedge

How much do you want for the poly edge?

Not really looking to sell individual yoyos right now but feel free to send an offer. For clarification, the yoyo is a ko’olau edge. I do not have a poly edge unfortunately.

Row 2 gone

I Must have send that message to the wrong person. But yeah I know I just spell it kedge for short.

Bump bump bump bmp bm

Buy both remaining rows for $90 so I can get a boosted wyvern and panorama.
Help fund my yoyo addiction today!

Fixed pictures

Bump bump bump bump. Can ship again on 21st.

Black Friday Bump! $43 shipped for the remaining rows. $53 for the larger bundle.

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