One Year of Fixed Axle...Thoughts so far...still fixed (6/17/2019)

6/17/2019 Update

2 full weeks left in June. Since my last update I have not stopped playing only fixed axle, but have feeling more and more like stopping only fixed axle. Thinking at the end of the month throwing a responsive bearing yoyo back in the mix, and completing the year while still only playing responsive.

Still just a thought. Snap starts since the beginning of the year have been getting easier and easier, as well as better. Smoothness I feel has been the largest thing, along with the use, and manipulation, of string tension that I’ve gotten from only playing fixed axle this year.

While I started out only using a '18 eH and a Clean Machine, I’ve added a TMBR Morrow and Sullivan to the mix.

4/22/2019 Update

So, a month after my last update I’ve had an interesting thing happen this past week. It has been feeling, in my mind, like I’ve received what I wanted to out of the “year of fixed axle” that I started on. What that 100% was I don’t think I can put into words. But something happened this week while I was playing that made me feel it was accomplished. It wasn’t something I started to simply say “I did it”, it was more. But I’ve wanted to add a responsive bearing yoyo back in, Walter or an Alleycat.

Not doing it yet, going to give it a bit of time to see if this feeling stays. Going to grab the Clean Machine and work on Spirit Bomb some more and see how I feel.

3/21/2019 Update:
Coming up on 3 months of strictly fixed axle. Primarily I’ve only used the 2018 maple eH. I’ve also used a San Francisco era Clean Machine No Jive. I have had about 30 minutes recently of bearings.

When I found out that a buddy, Matt Schmidt, passed away I felt I needed to throw the Underdog 2 he gave me just a month or so earlier. I’ve bought several unresponsive yoyos this year, but they’ve all gone into a box that I was going to open January 1, 2020 to play. The Underdog 2 was the one I was most looking forward to playing in January, but when I heard about Matt’s passing I had this strong need to get it out and throw it for him. What was funny was that it’s only been 3 months, but I naturally tugged the UD2 to come back to my hand on the first throw, habits get started quick!

Outside of the UD2, the only desire to throw a bearing yoyo has been my Alleycat’s, Walter & Theodore, basically my responsive bearings. I’ll be working on a trick and think that I just need a little extra spin time. But I just work through it.

I don’t know, maybe you can comment on your experience @edhaponik, but with just 3 months in my appreciation and love of this little round toy with a string on it has grown in a way I haven’t been able to describe yet. I’ve also thought about my metal bearing yoyo collection and start thinking about what I want to do, or try. I’ve gotten to think about yoyos I’ve let go, and some I now want back for various reasons all due to playing fixed axle.

With a, now, 1 year old in our house, my playing time has been cut down, but the time I do get to play each day is more focused, which is something I desired when I started on a year of fixed axle. Not a lot of patina yet on the 2018 eH. Having gone through a pretty brutal winter here in Northern Illinois, hands have been awfully dry, no oils to add some color to the maple of the eH :joy:

Someone asked if I was going to blog this year, and this morning thought I’d share these thoughts. Not sure when I’ll post again about the journey, but so far it’s been a very fun and satisfying trip :slightly_smiling_face:


Great to hear it’s going well! Have you noticed any improvement with 3 months of straight fixed axle play? Conquer any tricks that gave you issues in the past?


I’m feeling like the '18 eH and I are starting to understand each other. My main fixed axle the past few years has been a 2014 eH. The '18 version is quite a bit different. So a lot of my playing time has been adjusting to this yoyo. To me, it doesn’t flip, stall, spin, etc the same as my '14 eH. So I feel I’m just now figuring it out to go after some things that I’ve wanted to. I’ve figured out it’s response pretty quickly, enough to do Eli hops and hooks consistently.

I’ve been treating this experience, as best I can, as if I haven’t played before. So I’ve been taking everything slowly. Just tried a YYSL string on it last night, and I know Ed has been using them a bit on his, but have to say that I’m not a fan :joy: Will be going back to a Type 10 cotton today.

One thing I’ve been working on a lot are varials. Getting used to the spinning motion and training my eye to watch the spin, and the timing of catching it on the string. Landed a “Stalled Kwijibo” once, which I was pretty stoked about as well.


You are a far stronger man than I!*

* I am very very weak actually


Added an interesting (for me) update.

Update added